Video Square Dance Lessons Online

Mainstream Lesson #6

Veer Left/Right, Wheel & Deal (Two Faced Line), Ladies/Gents Promenade


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Playback Hints

  • Press PLAY button to start.

  • If your Internet connection is slow, playback may be repeatedly interrupted. To view the video smoothly without stops and starts, wait for the entire video to completely load first. Then you will be able to play it again without interruption.

Better yet, GET THE DVD for playback anytime on
your computer or home DVD player and television.

  • Want to see a part of the video again?
    After the video has loaded, you can fast-forward, rewind, or move the slider to any part of the video you want to review.

  • Cannot Play the Videos?
    To play these videos you must have Adobe Flash Player 7.0+ installed on your computer. If you cannot play the videos, you probably need to download the Flash Player plugin. For more information, see Minimum System Requirements.

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